Monday, April 9, 2012

Whatcha doin' there?

To write or not to write?  It's been awhile since I've sat down and collected my thoughts enough to determine whether there was anything of worth to actually jot down.  It's made me realize how much I miss putting things down on screen.  So much has happened; good and bad.  But it's me we're talking about...did you expect anything else?  Everyone has their own way of dealing with emotion overload.  Some people cry, some people drink, some people try and hold it in for a little longer (I'm guilty of this also).  Myself?  I write (usually).  Writing allows me to unleash the emotions and thoughts that would normally swim around relentlessly in my head until all that was left would be a stew of useless babble.  Luckily I usually purge these thoughts before they can do too much damage.  So why now?  Why after so long in silence do I write?  It's time to purge, my friends.  I won't go into detail in this blog, but use it only to warn of the oncoming barrage of discarded thoughts that will inevitably ooze from my mind and find themselves here in the form of organized chaos.  Some will focus on the emotional moments I'm having, while others will focus on my new goal of writing some stories that have been devoid of structure for way too long and have earned their place on paper.  Brace yourselves.

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